Wow, can you believe that it is November already. I still can't believe that in a couple of weeks it will be Christmas! Okay so this week has been kind of interesting. The dogs seemed to have fun at least. On Monday, we got to take down Halloween decorations, and Sporty and Harley both loved it. I think that Sporty liked because he got to play tug of war with Harley with the rope off of the inflatable thingy.Well after that was finished, (which, luckily he didn't chew up the actual inflatable part.) Last week, I tried to figure out what the dogs were going to wear for Halloween, it turns out that they went as just normal Harley and Sporty.
Another sort of exciting thing that happened this week was that both dogs got a bath. Baths for the dogs are supposed to be bi-weekly at my house but they usually end up being once or occasionally twice monthly. I don't know why because its not that the dogs don't like baths, its just that they are time consuming, and if you're not careful, they can be very messy. I guess they aren't really time consuming, well except for having to get the dogs into the tub. I don't know why but for some reason, every time that the dogs are told that they are going to get a bath, they both run away. Now its not like they don't like them because I still have to hold Harley's head up sometimes because she will fall asleep while in the tub, Sporty has never ever done that, but I have caught him sleeping it the tub one time when I woke up to get ready for school. Well, they had already gotten a bath once this month and so Sporty wasn't thrilled when he had to get another one. Harley didn't seem to mind though.
We also found out this week, well we really didn't find out but just guessed that both Sporty and Harley have allergies. Every time we take them outside, they sniff the leaves and start sneezing like crazy. Well that was enough for mom to say that they both have bad allergies which I think is funny.
I think that Harley is becoming more and more lovable and lazy as she gets older. I remember when she was three, and we took her to my grandpa's. She was so hyper back than, that she ran through his house like forty times and then when she was finally finished with that, she decided to jump over the couch about forty more times. Sometimes I miss that and other times I am glad that she isn't as hyper as she used to be. Although here lately, I have been beginning to notice that she likes to sleep more, which sometimes is okay but others I wish that she wouldn't sleep because I'm bored and I want the hyper monster that I used to have, but that rarely happens, ha just kidding!
Another thing that happened this week was that the dogs got a hold of my Alabama Crimson Tide blanket and decided to fight, (well it wasn't exactly a fight, unless you count a stare down as a fight)over who would get to sleep on it. My mom thought it was funny that they both had a stare down for it, and I have to admit it was quite humorous! The stare down ended with both of the dogs on the blanket. Good compromise!
Well until next week!
My dog will drink all of the water in her dish and then let us know she is on empty by jumping in the tub to drink whatever water might still be puddled in there from the last time someone took a shower. It is almost as if she is trying to guilt trip us, but when it is time for a bath, I have to wrestle her into the tub like it is the most horrible place on Earth. Then, when the bath is over, I have to wrestle her out like it is the most amazing place on Earth. Everytime I think our dog must be dumb, I realize that it is probably the exact opposite. I think we are her pets in a lot of ways.