Friday, September 24, 2010

Another Week Gone by Already?

So this week went by super fast... I don' t know if it did for the dogs but it did for me. I think that's how it always is on homecoming week, well technically its not homecoming, its float building. This week as been kind of packed with homework to so it felt like I didn't get to see my dogs at all. 
Speaking of that, I wonder how long dogs think that we are away even when we are only away for like two hours. Do they think that its like two years? Well I mean one human year is seven dog years, who came up with that anyway. Oh yeah back to my story. My dogs are always "attacking" me  when I get home from school, and I wonder if it means that they miss me so much. Well that's what most people take it as. Anyway, when I say "attacking" I don't mean crazily barking and chewing off my face:)... I mean jumping all over the door and all over me when I walk in the house. I think that my dogs are the craziest things though, I mean I know I say that a lot but they really are. I think that some of the things they do, you could never understand unless you have a camera at that exact moment. I mean that brings me to one day this week, I can't remember what day it was exactly but  I had to take Harley outside and Sporty stayed inside, I came back in the house and Sporty decided that he wanted to go out. I took him out and when I brought him back inside, he ran right to the television and stared like he didn't want to miss anything. I thought it was the cutest thing, but unfortunately the moment I went to get my camera, he jumped up and ran into the other room. I think that my dogs are a little camera shy... For example one day, Harley was sitting like a person with her paw on the remote and her legs propped up on the edge of the couch, it looked really cute but the second that I went to get my camera, she shot up and ran in the other room. Why do dogs always do that, you think that they look so cute so you try to take a good picture and as soon as they see the camera, they decide to run away and not be the perfect angels that they try to portray to every one else that comes around.
My dogs have a problem with that also, they are sometimes like little devils but then as soon as someone is around, they are either really good or really bad. I guess this is sort of what my other blog post was aoubt when I was talking about how my parents feel. Because I definitely just described how toddlers act with their parents. So maybe that's why I decided to write a blog about "raising" a pit bull and a boxer...
Until next week.(:

Monday, September 20, 2010


Why do dogs eat everything? I think that my dogs are pigs in disguise I don't know how or why but my dogs eat everything in sight. What about the fact that they eat a forty pound bag of dog food every two weeks. I don't know how but they can put away the food. Harley she shows her weight Sporty however is one of those people that are known for their high metabolism. Good golly they never stop eating. Its like they think that if they don't eat it right away it won't be there ten minutes later. I'm sorry but I think that something has to change. Okay not really :) But I do think that they eat a little to much.
My dogs are very weird aobut those things. I think that if I were to take the food out of the house, they would possibly go crazy, my mom would end of feeding them way more table scraps than needed. Believe me she already does. I think that may be part of the problem. Every time you get something to eat at our house, our dogs think that they have to eat also. If they needed to the dogs could get their own food out of the bag. Theyv'e done it before, not because we didn't feed them but just because they could... Didn't want you to get confused there. Take this Tuesday for example, I came home from school and went into the kitchen where the dog food and water bowls are and was going to change the water but as I look over, Sporty has his head stuffed into the dog food bag and is scarfing down food, and when I look for Harley to see where she is during all of this, well I don't have to look for very long, shes laying down in the mess that Sporty has all over the floor, I couldn't help but laugh. I mean how many people can say that their dogs have done this. Unfortunatley, when I went for my camera, the dogs had already thought that they were in trouble and went in the other room, so no pictures could frame the suspects!!!
I like that sometimes I am the only one that catches the dogs doing these things, because in a way, I know my mom would freak. But in another sense, normal people that don't know my dogs wouldn't ever believe me. I also think that in one way, I'm the only one that has to clean up the mess that they won't eat before my mom sees it. I think that sometimes the dogs just try to make more work for me but I really don't know. Maybe it is just a coincidence but in some ways I think not.
I also found out this week that a pit bulls jaws are a lot stronger than that of which I thought before. We got Sporty a new toy and I was playing tug of war with him, well I started spinning around in circles and in no time I lifted him up off the ground. First, I thought that I was going to break his teeth so I let him down but I did it again and yet again he got up and was off the ground by about three inches. I never knew that dogs could hold onto something like that with just their teeth. I find out new and wow-factoring things aobut my dogs daily.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Nothing really new...

So this week was kind of a dead week with Sporty and Harley... They didn't really do anything interesting at all. Well I guess they had to have done something but this week, I was so busy I didn't even realize what they had done... I kind of feel bad that I am so busy that i don't really get to see them(Wait did I really just say that, I mean I am a teenager usually people don't say things like that until their like married with kids right?) I don't know all I really know is that they usually do things that make me laugh and this week I didn't get much laughter well I guess that could be because I was so stressed but hey high school does that to you... Anyway more on the stars of this blog, Harley decided that she was going to be a rascal today and jump on my bed at 5 in the morning and bark until I got up, usually this wouldn't be so bad but I literally only had two hours of sleep last night. (Book Reports keep you up when you like to procrastinate) Well anyway she wouldn't be quiet so I had to get up and take her outside. Well then she proceeded to not do anything at all except just sit outside. I think that she likes to do things just to annoy me. I like that the only time I have paid attention to my dogs this week is when they needed food or when they needed to go out. I feel kind of bad but I guess I will get over it.

Harley is always like that though, she likes to push your buttons, but I think it’s kind of funny at times, just not when she does it to me. That’s kind of like the saying its only funny until someone gets hurt. Well in this case I guess it would be “Its only funny when she is pushing other people’s buttons not when she’s pushing yours”.

Sporty has this thing about his feet now; he likes to chew at them a lot. I don’t really get it but his face is starting to go a little raw because of it. I guess he is going to have to go to the vet and we will figure it out, but until than I just try to tell him not to. What good that does, I think that it might be like poison ivy for dogs but I don’t get how because it doesn’t affect me so I don’t get why it’s such a big problem for the dogs. I feel bad for the little guy because he is always chewing at his paws.

Next week’s post should be better, mostly because I don’t have as many things to do as I did this week and I can watch them more than I did this week. I miss not seeing the funny things that they do. But anyways, next week should be better.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Is this how my parents feel???

Okay so this week, I thought that I would let you know about my dogs and their moods. You know how some people say that their dogs are spoiled; well I think that my dogs are getting back at me for saying that. This week all Harley the boxer has done is not listen at ALL. (If this is what parenthood is like, I'm not looking forward to it.) I mean, she will listen to anyone in the house EXCEPT ME... Anytime I try to make her get off the couch she looks at me and has that look like "You’re not my boss, I don't have to listen at all." Typically what a seven year old dog does right. Umm I think not she is just a sassy meanie if you ask me. I know I sound like I have a five year olds vocabulary but that’s what she was at the time to me. Sporty the pit bull was the same way on Monday. I walk in the house after school and he was at the door to greet me the same as everyday but when I told him to move, he barked at me like as if to say "You are not the boss of me missy." I mean honestly you feed and water and take care of these dogs as if they are people but you don't get anything in return, well at least not until they want something, or did something wrong and are trying to hide it.( Really is this what parenting is like, cause if so I’m sorry to my parents.)

Another thing that Harley has done this week is eat things in my room that she is not supposed to. Harley likes to get Sporty in trouble and this week I have figured it out. Sometimes I will find that one of the dogs has gone to the bathroom in the house, something that they know is definitely not right. Well I figured out this week that when everyone is blaming Sporty, Harley is walking away or puts her head down. I never really thought about it until Tuesday when I woke up and there was my hairbrush laying in the middle of the floor with half of the handle eaten off. Well at first I figured that it might have been Sporty but then I realized that Sporty usually the one who is at the bottom of my bed sleeping but Harley used to like to eat things in my room when she was a puppy.  I’ve figured out that yes she does know not to eat things but she thinks that she can get away with it by sort of blaming it on Sporty. We’ve all done this. Blame the youngest dog for eating everything. Well that’s what I did but then I realized that Harley was walking away and Sporty was just sitting there. First sign of a guilty dog is if they walk away. So when I told Harley to come back, she went under the kitchen table, her hiding place. Thats when I knew I had a bad dog on my hands. It turns out that Harley had eaten the hairbrush. So I guess that blaming the wrong kid is bound to happen in many homes across America, it just so happens that this week I didn't blame kids I blamed dogs.