Friday, September 10, 2010

Nothing really new...

So this week was kind of a dead week with Sporty and Harley... They didn't really do anything interesting at all. Well I guess they had to have done something but this week, I was so busy I didn't even realize what they had done... I kind of feel bad that I am so busy that i don't really get to see them(Wait did I really just say that, I mean I am a teenager usually people don't say things like that until their like married with kids right?) I don't know all I really know is that they usually do things that make me laugh and this week I didn't get much laughter well I guess that could be because I was so stressed but hey high school does that to you... Anyway more on the stars of this blog, Harley decided that she was going to be a rascal today and jump on my bed at 5 in the morning and bark until I got up, usually this wouldn't be so bad but I literally only had two hours of sleep last night. (Book Reports keep you up when you like to procrastinate) Well anyway she wouldn't be quiet so I had to get up and take her outside. Well then she proceeded to not do anything at all except just sit outside. I think that she likes to do things just to annoy me. I like that the only time I have paid attention to my dogs this week is when they needed food or when they needed to go out. I feel kind of bad but I guess I will get over it.

Harley is always like that though, she likes to push your buttons, but I think it’s kind of funny at times, just not when she does it to me. That’s kind of like the saying its only funny until someone gets hurt. Well in this case I guess it would be “Its only funny when she is pushing other people’s buttons not when she’s pushing yours”.

Sporty has this thing about his feet now; he likes to chew at them a lot. I don’t really get it but his face is starting to go a little raw because of it. I guess he is going to have to go to the vet and we will figure it out, but until than I just try to tell him not to. What good that does, I think that it might be like poison ivy for dogs but I don’t get how because it doesn’t affect me so I don’t get why it’s such a big problem for the dogs. I feel bad for the little guy because he is always chewing at his paws.

Next week’s post should be better, mostly because I don’t have as many things to do as I did this week and I can watch them more than I did this week. I miss not seeing the funny things that they do. But anyways, next week should be better.

1 comment:

  1. It just occured to me that Harley has to be the most popular name for pit bull/boxer dogs. Most of the dogs I know named Harley are either a pit bull or a boxer, and I don't know of many pit bulls or boxers who aren't named Harley. I wonder if anyone keeps statistics on these kinds of things.
