Why do dogs eat everything? I think that my dogs are pigs in disguise I don't know how or why but my dogs eat everything in sight. What about the fact that they eat a forty pound bag of dog food every two weeks. I don't know how but they can put away the food. Harley she shows her weight Sporty however is one of those people that are known for their high metabolism. Good golly they never stop eating. Its like they think that if they don't eat it right away it won't be there ten minutes later. I'm sorry but I think that something has to change. Okay not really :) But I do think that they eat a little to much.
My dogs are very weird aobut those things. I think that if I were to take the food out of the house, they would possibly go crazy, my mom would end of feeding them way more table scraps than needed. Believe me she already does. I think that may be part of the problem. Every time you get something to eat at our house, our dogs think that they have to eat also. If they needed to the dogs could get their own food out of the bag. Theyv'e done it before, not because we didn't feed them but just because they could... Didn't want you to get confused there. Take this Tuesday for example, I came home from school and went into the kitchen where the dog food and water bowls are and was going to change the water but as I look over, Sporty has his head stuffed into the dog food bag and is scarfing down food, and when I look for Harley to see where she is during all of this, well I don't have to look for very long, shes laying down in the mess that Sporty has all over the floor, I couldn't help but laugh. I mean how many people can say that their dogs have done this. Unfortunatley, when I went for my camera, the dogs had already thought that they were in trouble and went in the other room, so no pictures could frame the suspects!!!
I like that sometimes I am the only one that catches the dogs doing these things, because in a way, I know my mom would freak. But in another sense, normal people that don't know my dogs wouldn't ever believe me. I also think that in one way, I'm the only one that has to clean up the mess that they won't eat before my mom sees it. I think that sometimes the dogs just try to make more work for me but I really don't know. Maybe it is just a coincidence but in some ways I think not.
I also found out this week that a pit bulls jaws are a lot stronger than that of which I thought before. We got Sporty a new toy and I was playing tug of war with him, well I started spinning around in circles and in no time I lifted him up off the ground. First, I thought that I was going to break his teeth so I let him down but I did it again and yet again he got up and was off the ground by about three inches. I never knew that dogs could hold onto something like that with just their teeth. I find out new and wow-factoring things aobut my dogs daily.
I can totally relate to your post, as I was reading it and eating popcorn my dog Max a Springer Spaniel was trying to get his share of my snack. At lunch time as I was cutting up ham for my Denver he had his face leaning over the counter hoping A piece of meat would slide his way. He has the best sad dog face when he is begging, but One good thing about his bad habit is that he cuts into my own snacking!