Monday, October 25, 2010

Harley, the meanie of the two???

Okay so this week was a lot of nothing really. Both Sporty and Harley were rather rambunctious. I think that Harley was really wound up all week, which to me seems really random, because she normally isn't really that into playing around outside. I think that this may be because of her age, she is almost seven years old. But I guess it really doesn't matter what age she is, because you can always be hyper whether you're old or not. I think that Sporty enjoyed it though. Mostly because when I was gone at school, he had someone to play with besides my mom. I think that he enjoys getting to mess around with Harley more because normally she doesn't want to do much of anything(again possibly because of age). Sporty is more of a happy dog when Harley is more playful because he just gets away with bothering her more I guess. Not that we like get mad at him for messing with Harley but sometimes he does get on her nerves. I have noticed however, that Harley is a little bit more aggressive with age, mostly because when she plays she likes to use her paws, and this is something that she has always done, that is why Boxers were given the breed name, because they always use their paws. But Harley was kind of mean when she played with Sporty this week, they have a toy that looks like a duck and it has a squeaky thing inside of it, well Harley doesn't like the squeaky and I think that Sporty knows this well he kind of eggs her on by squeaking the toy right next to her face. Well Harley, like any other person would do, sort of smacked Sporty on the forehead, and Sporty now has a scar where he made Harley mad and she smacked him.
 Another thing that Harley does is get Sporty in trouble for things that she does. Now I have talked about this before but in case you missed that post, here's another infamous story. The other day I was abut ready to eat dinner when my mom called me into the other room for something, well I went to help her and left my food on the coffee table. Harley didn't think that I was looking and started eating food off of my plate. Well she tried to get Sporty in trouble and started taking food off the plate and put it in front of where he was laying. Of course since I saw this, I couldn't help but to laugh, I mean how many people can say that they have seen their dogs do something like this. Well Harley looked up and saw me and then looked over at Sporty as if to say, "It was all his fault." I can't help but wonder if this is what its like to have small children around. If anyone ever said that having dogs was like having children, I probably would have to agree, even though I don't have any children, but anyways. That's all for this week, next week, my Halloween ideas for Sporty and Harley!!

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